baten banana
बातें = CHATTINGउदाहरण : डॉक्टर अपने चैंबर में इत्मीनान से टेबुल पर टांगें फैलाए बैठा एक दुसरे डॉक्टर से बातें कर रहा है।
Usage : Sitting in his chamber, his legs resting on the table, the doctor is chatting with another doctor.
Usage : Sitting in his chamber, his legs resting on the table, the doctor is chatting with another doctor.
(Verb) +9
बातें = SAYINGSUsage : The doctor relaxed in his chamber, engaging in sayings with another doctor.
(Noun) +6
बातें करना = TALKउदाहरण : मानव व्यवसायों के बारे में बातें करना काफी शौकिया है,
Usage : lets have more work and less talk around here
Usage : lets have more work and less talk around here
(Verb) +17
बातें दी हुई या जानी हुई /निर्दिष्ट = DATAउदाहरण : तम्बाकू से मुँह कैंसर की दी हुई बातें भयानक तस्वीर दिखा रही हैं।
Usage : mouth cancer data from tobacco are giving a terrible picture.
Usage : mouth cancer data from tobacco are giving a terrible picture.
(Noun) +17